Back to advocating the cause, it’s the only way

Are you noticing that the dollars in your bank account don’t buy as much as they used to? It’s a direct result of the federal government’s out of control, reckless and unconstitutional spending and the Federal Reserve’s destructive monetary...

Secession doesn’t necessitate a “Civil War”

You’ll hear a lot about how “extremist” groups are supposedly gunning for a “Civil War” with all their talk of secession and independence. They claim that secession leads to internal war and conflict as if it is some constant in the...

Modern day slavery: your time is your most precious resource and the government steals it

In this one I attempt to discuss in a coherent fashion the relationship between our current immoral, unethical and bankrupt monetary system and how the state essentially claims ownership over our lives in a modern day form of slavery. Your time is your most precious...