So this one is a little off the beaten path so bear with me but it’s a thought I’ve long had. Tell me where I’m wrong…

The critical foundation of Christianity is the idea of original sin. That damn Eve eating the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. That one act supposedly damned all of humanity for eternity….

Damn free will!!!

One would be damned unless of course one pledged total fealty and servitude to the son of god, Jesus Christ. So after realizing how much he (God) had fucked up his creations he sent himself in the form of his own son (odd?) to earth as a man to redeem his people.

He supposedly sacrificed himself his son (although if Jesus is now in heaven I’m not sure what was really sacrificed…) so that all men can find salvation by just saying they believed in him. Basically god created a loophole out of a predicament that he himself essentially created for us.

Head spinning yet?

But what if Adam and Eve never actually existed? If they never existed, would there actually be original sin? And if there was no original sin, would there ever have been a need for the Jesus sacrifice in the first place? And if there was no need for the sacrifice in the first place, is Christianity believable even to a minor extent?

How can we question whether Adam and Eve existed then? Well it is placed in doubt by the simple little fact of evolution. So if we know that humans evolved over time from some more primitive creature into the homo sapiens of today, then there probably never was a Garden of Eden nor an Adam nor an Eve.

Yes, apologists will argue that god could have started the process of evolution with A & E but where did all the fossil evidence come from that humans evolved?

OK, god could have placed that there too but the more we say things like that aren’t we committing the God of the Gaps fallacy?

There just isn’t any good way to come to the conclusion that Adam and Eve ever really existed. So if they never existed and Genesis was a metaphor or allegory at best then what in the Bible can anyone believe truly happened?

There is no decoder ring that says one story was true and another one was just allegory. This calls into question everything in the Biblical belief systems.

I posit that there simply is no good reason to believe the story of Christianity beyond it being an ancient allegory written by primitive desert people. It is a fascinating mythology to study but not to believe in.

Why is that?

Let’s go back to evolution. If evolution is a fact, and humans and all other living entities on this planet evolved into the state they are today from very primitive organisms and are continuing to evolve then the claims made by Christianity and Judaism in particular about the creation can’t be true.

Or stated another way, to believe the claims of Christianity one must believe that the creation story in the bible is literally true.

Why is this?

Because the basic premise of Christianity is the fall of man and the establishment of original sin, Adam and Eve’s expulsion from the Garden of Eden and their fall from grace with God. This is followed by Jesus coming to save man from his original sin.

So the key questions are: was there really an Adam and Eve, the first two humans created by God? And was original sin committed by them from which we all must be saved?

The theory of evolution seemingly shows that humans evolved over long periods of time from pre-human species all the way back to single celled organisms and before. (Caveat: I still need to study the theory of evolution more before fully standing on this). But for the sake of argument, let’s say that is true.

If that is true, then God did not create man as is described in the bible. Man did not come into existence whole cloth created on the 6th day so to speak.

He evolved over time into man of today. (again, one could argue that God created man then allowed him to evolve to where we are today but then that would require God to manufacture all the evidence that shows we evolved from pre-humans…funny sense of humor fucking with us, that God.)

If that is true, then the Genesis creation story (of man at least) in the bible is simply not literally true. There really wasn’t an Adam and Eve. And it really calls into question whether there was a Garden of Eden and Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. (If the story in the bible is not literally true, then what in the book can be taken as actually happening versus what was ostensibly made up by man to teach a lesson?)

So if the creation of man story in Genesis was not literally true then is it safe to say it was more of a allegory? If so then the story of man’s fall is not literally true in the sense that it actually happened.

If man’s fall didn’t actually happen then there is no such thing as original sin. (Of course an argument could be made that there still was original sin from some act somewhere but if we don’t know about it then does it matter to us? God hasn’t told us. He just gave us the bible story to work with…)

If there is no such thing as original sin then there is no need for Jesus to come and save all of us from original sin. If there was no need for a Jesus to come and save us, then is it reasonable to assume that his whole story was an allegory as well or worse?

If so then there is no reason to believe in Christianity because it is a simply allegory all resting on the premise that Jesus had to come save us from the fuck up of Adam and Eve.

In conclusion it follows that if evolution is true, then there is no good reason to believe the key creation, fall and savior stories in the bible as being true other than being simply allegories because if there was no original sin then there is no reason for Jesus. Thus there is no good reason to believe the God stories of the bible.

Probably the same goes for other related Abraham religions as well but I won’t tackle that here.

This proof or whatever you want to call it is a work in progress but it seems sound to me. It doesn’t purport to “disprove” God but just the story of Christianity.

God could still be out there somehow, someway I suppose. Can’t prove a negative.

I’ll document my “evolution” on the subject in these discussions if need be. As I said up top, tell me where I’m going wrong in my thinking.


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