All this talk about Russia possibly invading Ukraine give us a perfect example as to why leaving the U.S. is needed for a state more than ever. The reckless federal government for far too long has been poking bears around the world trying to keep up conflict to continue enriching the big military industrial complex.

Not only that but its been using beehives as pinatas to keep the campaign funds flowing back to the politicians who advocate it. Never forget that those funds are stolen from you and used to screw you in an unethical and immoral vicious cycle. This Russia/Ukraine affair has nothing to do with the U.S. and especially nothing to do with me down here in the Hill Country. And it has nothing to do with you either.

The federal government is an entity that is totally out of control and the only proper course of action when dealing with an abusive partner is to Leave.

Be one of The 300. Step up and join the cause.

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