Secession and Nullification are the most basic and important American political ideas and values. Maybe it’s time these acts are revitalized and used to cure what ails society nowadays.

Seems that folks should just group based on like minded principals and go their own ways. Thought experiment: What if lines were drawn dividing the country into 3 areas and the option was given to live in the socialist utopia, the conservative bible quadrant or the libertarian oasis, would folks agree to divide?

My guess is libertarians would but they’d be given the worst section (but would be the most prosperous within 5 years), conservatives would go kicking a screaming but they’d go along to get along but socialists would fight it to the death even though they’d have carte blanche in their new area. Would be fascinating to see…

Americans in general are sheep easily lead to slavery and the slaughter. High time for Texans to re-assert their fierce independence and self responsibility and reject these virus orders and take matters into their own hands.

A new view on the pictorial representation of the standard political spectrum:

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