Russia and Ukraine show why separation and neutrality are needed now

All this talk about Russia possibly invading Ukraine give us a perfect example as to why leaving the U.S. is needed for a state more than ever. The reckless federal government for far too long has been poking bears around the world trying to keep up conflict to...

Secession doesn’t necessitate a “Civil War”

You’ll hear a lot about how “extremist” groups are supposedly gunning for a “Civil War” with all their talk of secession and independence. They claim that secession leads to internal war and conflict as if it is some constant in the...

Modern day slavery: your time is your most precious resource and the government steals it

In this one I attempt to discuss in a coherent fashion the relationship between our current immoral, unethical and bankrupt monetary system and how the state essentially claims ownership over our lives in a modern day form of slavery. Your time is your most precious...

Back in Texas and still disspointed in my fellow man

Back in Texas from 3 months in Mexico, the land of contradictions, and what do I find but people still voluntarily wearing the worthless face diaper. So sad. Not to mention all the sheep voluntarily, joyfully and dutifully getting their scam jab. What on Earth have I...